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Showing posts with the label DBMS

Navigating the Storm: Common Mistakes People Make During Board Exams

Common Mistakes People Make During Board Exams Introduction: Board exams are a pivotal moment in a student's academic journey, often seen as the gateway to future opportunities. However, the pressure and anxiety associated with these exams can lead individuals to make mistakes that might jeopardize their performance. In this blog, we will explore some common mistakes people tend to make during board exams and discuss strategies to overcome these pitfalls. Procrastination: The Silent Saboteur One of the most prevalent mistakes students make during board exams is procrastination. Delaying study sessions, leaving topics for the last minute, and underestimating the amount of time required for preparation can lead to a last-minute cramming frenzy. Overcoming procrastination involves effective time management, setting realistic goals, and maintaining a consistent study schedule. Ignoring Revision: The Memory Mirage Many students focus solely on absorbing new information and neglect th

DBMS implementation of AGGREGATE(GROUP) functions (avg ,count, max ,min, sum)

   DBMS implementation of AGGREGATE(GROUP) functions (avg  ,count, max ,min, sum)             Create one table Book(Aname,BookName,Price,Date_of_publish,Qty)  Insert minimum 10 records in it, then implement group functions and display the results.  1. create a table in my sql (DBMS)           CODE:             create table book(             Aname varchar(40),              Bname varchar(40),              price int,             date_of_pub date,              qty int);                               OUTPUT:       2. INSERT 10 RECORD IN TABLE                                                                       CODE: insert into book values ("ramil", "java",500, '2008-10-01', 6 );        insert into book values ("ramesh", "java  fx",900, '2009-10-19', 7 );         insert into book values ("rahul", "java core ",400, '2008-10-21', 8 );       insert into book values ("rajesh", "java gui"